Monday, October 14, 2013

Gabriel si Bursa din Canada....

Asociatia Neuer Weg
To Me
Today at 7:47 PM
Gabriel Resources Ltd., proprietarul majoritar al RMGC, a fost listată, în 1997, la bursa din Vancouver şi Toronto în mod ilegal, deoarece la acea dată nu deţinea niciun fel de drepturi asupra zăcămintelor de aur de la Roşia Montana. De atunci şi până în prezent firma a minţit în mod sistematic investitorii, încălcând astfel grav reglementările specifice ale bursei.
Simplu, adresând, cât mai mulţi dintre noi:
1.) o PLÂNGERE OFICIALĂ către Autoritatea de Control a Bursei din Toronto, Ontario Securities Commission (OSC);
2.) o SCRISOARE DESCHISĂ către cele mai importante instituţii publice din Canada, care au tangenţă cu activitatea minieră respectiv cu proiectul RMGC de la Roşia Montană, prin care le explicăm motivul pentru care OSC trebuie să dea curs plângerii împotriva Gabriel Resources Ltd.- deoarece aceasta întruneşte toate condiţiile cerute de lege.

1.) OSC Toronto va trebui să investigheze – cel puţin teoretic – incriminările aduse prin plângere şi să ia o hotărâre ‘judecatorească’ privind eventuala sistare a tranzacţionării acţiunior Gabriel Resources sau chiar o excludere a acestei firme de la bursă. Dacă reuşim acest lucru ar fi o premieră atât în istoria bursei din Toronto cât şi a industriei mineritului la nivel mondial!
2.) La nivel de opinie publică canadiană sperăm să conştientizăm cetăţenii acestei ţări că profiturile de la bursa din Toronto se fac pe spinarea milioanelor de cetăţeni din întreaga lume, în ale căror ţări se implementează proiecte gen “Roşia Montană”!
IMPORTANT! Până în prezent OSC s-a ferit să dea curs unor plângeri similare pentru a NU crea un precedent şi pentru a apăra interesele acestui sector economic pe cât de profitabil pentru Canada, pe atât de distructiv şi nociv pentru ţările ‘tintă’ a companiilor miniere listate la bursa din Toronto.
Tocmai din acest motiv trebuie să spargem ‘gheaţa’ şi ‘embargoul’ la OSC şi la instituţiile de vârf ale statului canadian, cu o ‘rafală’ de plângeri şi scrisori deschise. Aşa cum în România zecile de mii de protestatari din stradă au spart embargoul media impus subiectului Roşia Montană, tot aşa şi câteva zeci, sute sau chiar mii de PLÂNGERI şi SCRISORI DESCHISE vor sparge embargoul canadian! Veţi vedea!
Unul singur: Acela de a nu primi niciun răspuns şi de a fi ‘pierdut’ o ‘investitie’ de timp de 30 de minute.
1. Sancţionarea firmei Gabriel Resources Ltd. de către OSC, cu amenzi de milioane de dolari;
2. Prăbuşirea drastică a cursului acţiunilor Gabriel;
3. Sistarea tranzacţiilor cu acţiuni Gabriel;
4. Posibil chiar EXCLUDEREA firmei de la bursă.
…Ceea ce ar însemna GAME OVER pentru Roşia Montana Gold Corporation şi proiectul lor de jefuire şi distrugere a Munţilor Apuseni!
Perfect! Atunci urmaţi paşii de mai jos. Dacă nu aţi înţeles întru totul explicaţiile de mai sus, recitiţi, vă rugăm, mesajul şi aprofundaţi subiectul deschizând linkurile din SCRISOAREA DESCHISĂ de mai jos.
2. Scrieţi cu mâna datele dvs. de contact la pag. 7
3. Trimiteţi plângerea prin FAX sau Postă/Curierat la OSC, la :

Ontario Securities Commission
20 Queen Street West, Suite 1903,
Toronto, ON M5H 3S8
Attention : Manager, Inquiries and Contact Centre
Fax : 001-416-593-8122
4. Trimiteţi SCRISOAREA DESCHISĂ de mai jos, prin copy-paste, către adresele de email indicate. Ataşaţi şi plângerea către OSC. Personalizaţi mesajul Dvs., dacă doriţi, folosind un ton decent şi un discurs raţional.IMPORTANT: Includeţi titlul scrisorii la ‘subject’.
5. Share, forward şi like la această campanie online, pe toate canalele tale de comunicare!
6. Fii încrezător! Implicarea civică, democraţia şi statul de drept vor învinge mafia corporaţiilor!

Open letter
Enough is enough!
Exclude Gabriel Resources Ltd. and other ‘mining monsters’ from Toronto Stock Exchange!

Concerning the future of mining ‘zombie’ Gabriel Resources Ltd. (GBU) listed at Toronto Stock Exchange
In September 2013 Romania was blackmailed and threatened by the CEO of a Toronto listed junior mining company (Gabriel Resources Ltd. / GBU), with filing a 4 Billion USD lawsuit against the Romanian state, should our parliament reject the so called “RMGC draft law”. The draft law would give Gabriel Resources owned RMGC, a Romania based mining company, unprecendented privileges and exemptions from Constitution and other laws in order to start Europe’s biggest open-cast gold an silver mine in the picturesque historic village of Rosia Montana (Verespatak in Hungarian) in Western Transylvania. A mine that would destroy nature, unique cultural heritage und communities in a densely inhabited area.
Very basic knowledge of democratic rules would have taught Gabriel Resources that a state can’t be sued and held responsible for the decision of its parliament over a draft law written by the lawyers of Gabriel Resources and signed by the government in favor of a private mining company listed in tax heavens and in Canada. It is astonishing to see such a lack of political knowledge, psychological skills and human empathy at one of the Canada’s best paid CEO’s in the mining sector.
While GBU tries to mislead the people into believing that the words of its CEO were misunderstood, tens of thousands of Romanian citizens are protesting in the streets against this project, against the draft law and against the government along with its Prime Minister Victor Ponta. There has never been so much collective indignation against this so called “world class gold mining project” that’s supposed to “provide substantial economic, environmental, cultural and social benefits to the region around the mine and to other parts of Romania, […] for the long term sustainable future of the area and its local community which do not exist today”. Believe it or not, this is what investors and officials get to read in the September press releases of GBU! Does Gabriel Resources live in completely different reality than ours, maybe?
However, despite the company’s struggle to promote Rosia Montana as a village of poor miners with no other future but mining, the reality is different. The village of Rosia Montana, unique for its archeological remains, scenic beauty and cultural heritage, is being appreciated by over thirty thousand tourists every year. Rosia Montana could even become a UNESCO world heritage site once the mining project be officially canceled.
Contrary to GBU’s false statements in its listing documents (see 1997-Prospectus, pages 27+), the gold deposit in Rosia Montana does NOT belong to RMGC/GBU but to the Romanian state and its citizens, since the mining company has NEVER become a legal owner of it. Official documents (RO) can prove this beyond any reasonable doubt, should Canadian authorities (i.e. the Ontario Securities Commission – OSC) start an investigation. Instead, there is serious doubt if RMGC is still a legally functioning company at all. According to lawyers specialized in commercial law, RMGC has ceased to exist as from the end of 2009 (RO) based on an Alba County Court decision – without RMGC’s CEO denying it when asked about it on TV (RO).
Moreover, a former Minister of Justice states that RMGC’s license No. 47/1999 has expired (RO) long ago, in 2000. Still, nobody knows so far why such a corporate ‘zombie’ is still listed at the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) and its shares are still being traded for millions of dollars every year. We know for sure that there are dozens of mining monsters like GBU all over the world, including Southeastern Europe (Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey). They are called Dundee PreciousHellas GoldEurogoldBarrick GoldTVI PacificAnvil Mining and most of them are Canadian and/or listed at the Toronto Stock Exchange. Various reports show that Canadian mining companies are among the worst in the world.
We appreciate that there are recent transparency initiatives of Canadian mining entities and there is serious criticism of Canadian mining companies even by the Ontario Securities Commission – OSC. However the Canadian Parliament voted against a bill for more accountability of Canadian mining companies abroad – since that would harm the economic interests of the 180 Billion Dollar mining sector in Canada. Also, OSC has refused so far to investigate allegations of breach of the Ontario Securities Act by TSX listed mining companies – as long as the complaints came from Nongovernmental Organizations and simple citizens. We call this discrimination and complicity.
Therefore, we make a public appeal to the Ontario Securities Commission, the Toronto Stock Exchange, Canadian state authorities, companies, brokers, lobby organizations and other bodies related to the mining industry as well as to the media to help us break the ice at OSC and give our complaints against Gabriel Resources Ltd. a true chance for being investigated and solved. Enough is enough!
Our message:
To the Ontario Security Commission: You will soon receive this official complaint from NGO’s and citizens from Romania and around the world, concerning GBU’s breaches of the Ontario Securities Act as well as breaches by other similar mining companies listed at Toronto Stock Exchange. Please initiate true and in-depth investigations of the serious allegations against these companies and take decisions about their future at TSX accordingly!
To the Government of Canada: Encourage OSC to take its duty seriously and start a true and in-depth investigation of the allegations against GBU and other irresponsible mining companies worldwide.
To the Parliament of Canada and other legislative assemblies: Tighten government control of Canadian mining operations abroad by voting again on the Bill C-300, put forward by MP John McKay.
To the Canadian Embassy in Romania: Stop lobbying in favor of RMGC and GBU and help the Ontario Security Commission with true and detailed information about RMGC’s year long practice of political bribe, media embargo and censorship, community manipulation and destruction as well as about the countless breaches of law and reporting requirements during the establishment and development of the Rosia Montana project.
To the investors and brokers of Gabriel Resources Ltd. shares: Be aware that GBU’s alleged gold properties in Rosia Montana are a scam as well as its alleged exploitation license No. 47/1999 – just that nobody talked about it long enough and loudly enough for you to notice it. Even RMGC’s legal existence and activity after 2009 may prove to be a lie. Please take notice of the huge scale and exponentially growing dynamics of the recent protests against GBU’s Rosia Montana project3 and inform your customers accordingly and responsibly (See Scotia Capital’s decision to suspend rating on GBU).
To the associations of mining professionals in Canada: Help us clean your business in our countries or we will clean our countries from your businesses! Do never forget that we don’t actually need you and your projects but you do need us to realize your projects!
In other words: Join us in our efforts or leave us!
Best wishes!
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Asociatia Neuer Weg
Pta. Republicii nr. 16

505200 Fagaras
Tel. 0752-6161280747-356810


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