Friday, October 11, 2013

On Friday, October 11, 2013 5:42 AM, Blogger <> wrote:
On Thursday, October 10, 2013 9:44 PM, jukka frans <> wrote:
Dear Uncle Mircea,

Thank you a lot for the good advice! Ill for sure use it during my next lesson (sunday).

How many years of experience do you already have with teaching?

If i have any questions in the futher, can i contact you?

iata algoritmul care trebuie sa-l inveti tu spre a-i face pe nestiutori sa inceapa a inota in apa adanca:

a/ learn on land the fundamentals position for floating [ventral, dorsal]+all categories for swimming arms mouving, etc.; mobilitate si incalzirea generala a organismului
b/  aseaza copii pe marginea bazinului, cu picioarele intinse si labele in apa; fa-i sa bata apa in asa fel incat sa reuseasca sa faca spuma, avand un ritmt alert dar cat se poate fara incordare [de exemplu, miscarile astea sa nu stropeasca pe cei din jur]
c/ intoarce-i pe copii sa stea culcat pe marginea bazinului avand fata in jos, picioarele in apa si bratele bine intinse spre tine care stai deoparte si ii supraveghezi,  dandu-le comenzile necesare ca miscarile picioarelor sa fie la fel de bune ca la exercitiul anterior.
d/ ajuta-i, sa intre in apa avand palmele pe marginea bazinului, scufundati pana la umeri in apa, relaxati si cu corpul cat mai aproape de perete [pregatire pentru viitoarea pozitie de ‘scufundare in pozitie verticala’]
e/ determina-i sa 'mearga' pe marginea bazinului, cu corpul in apa, avand palmele sus pe margine iar picioarele in sprijin pe perete; deplasarea asta, spre stanga sau spre dreapta ii va face sa fie mai relaxati si sa inceapa a se obisnui cu statul in apa....
f/ incepe sa le propui sa incerce sa sufle aerul exact langa  suprafata apei in asa fel incat aerul 'sa gaureasca' apa....; apoi, propunele sa se scufunde cu capul sub nivelul apei avand picioarele lasate in jos, palmele pe margine si... RABDARE de a sta cateva secunde scufundat[este  sigur ca apa le va intra peste tot si pentru ei nu este prea placut dar daca ii inveti sa sufle aerul sub apa, acest lucru le va expedia apa din nas sau gura...]; acest exercitiu trebuie facut de mai multe ori pana vezi ca copii sunt relaxati si fac cu usurinta scufundarile si respiratia[expiratia] sub apa.
g/ determina-i sa se scufunde avand palmele pe marginea bazinului, corpul perfect vertical [cu burtica lipita de perete] si picioarele atarnate in jos; tine-i de mana si ajuta-i sa se scufunde avand in locul sprijinului  de marginea bazinului, sprijinul oferit de tine – acum incepatorul va simti direct cum corpul sau are tendinta de a se ridica, de a veni catre suprafata apei; acest lucru este foarte important pentru ca astfel  incepatorul va intelege ce usor poti pluti, mai ales ca instructorul este in imediata sa apropiere = ‘pluta verticala’ este realizata si odata cu ea si rabdarea si incredrea ca poate pluti…
h/ fa din ‘pluta verticala’ un joc indraznet, in apropiere de marginea bazinului si a instructorului; asa el va remarca ca in loc sa se scufunde incepe sa se ridice in sus; trebuie neaparat ca bratele sa fie tinute in sus, paralele, intinse; ele sunt cele care fac sa fie remarcata starea sigura ca corpul se ridica si pluteste.
i/ daca face ‘pluta verticala’ propune-i sa stea cu capul sub apa iar bratele sa imbratiseze genunchii adusi sub abdoment, exact ca un ‘ou de Paste’; plutirea in pozitia de ‘ou de Paste’,  precede trecerea la pozitia de plutire intinsa orizontala – pozitia fundamentala de inot freestroke, bras, delfin….
j/ trece grupa de copii sa invete sariturile in apa; la inceput, sariturile in picioare, cu ajutor de la instructor, apoi sariturile vor fi libere si incepatorul va exersa ceea ce a invatat la ‘pluta verticala’ [tot cu ajutorul instructorului, acest ajutor poate fi o sfoara, un bat, ceva care sa-i dea sentimentul de siguranta ca nu se poate ineca….], apoi trebuie sa-i determini sa sara singuri deoarece tu, instructorul esti mereu langa ei si-i poti ajuta daca este nevoie; asa vor invata sa ‘calce apa’, adica la revenirea spre suprafata sa inceapa miscari largi, circulare [ca la bras] pentru as mentine capul, respiratia la suprafata.
k/acum, numai acum, este momentul de a li se permite folosirea unui colac, un sprijin plutitor, o pluta de inot pentru ca acum din ‘pluta verticala’+’ou de Pasti’+’ sarituri si calcarea apei’ se poate trece la invatarea miscarilor de picioare craul; apoi se pot incepe exercitiile de inaintare cu picioarele+bratele, fara respiratie [cativa metri], apoi cu respiratie [intai ridicand capul in sus, inainte,  apoi culcand capul lateral si evident cu respiartia care permite parcurgerea mai multor metri.
Sunt multe, multe amanunte si toate depind de spiritul tau de observatie care iti va ajuta sesizarea unor noi posibilitati convenabile copilului; toate aceste etape nu sunt posibil de parcurs dintr-o data ci in mai multe lectii; trebuie sa stii ca nu ai voie sa treci la un nou exercitiu decat daca cel precedent a fost bine insusit [ asta seamana cu principiul scolar al ‘instruirii programate’ care nu permite trecerea la o noua treapta decat dupa insusirea notiunilor anterioare].
Sper ca un asemenea text, tradus de robot [Google translate] te va ajuta sa adopti un algorit util si eficient. Pot exista si alte variante  de invatare , de exemplu, dupa invatarea ‘plutei verticale’ si a ‘oului de Paste’ se trece la invatarea plutei dorsale si, imediat, a miscarilor de picioare bras si apoi bras in pozitie de concurs… sau, in loc sa treci la invatarea inaintarii cu ajutorul miscarilor de picioare, cere sa se inoate numai cu bratele [aici trebuie sa fii atent ca miscarile sa se termine mereu cu o pauza de alunecare, dupa fiecare ciclu de vaslire]
Poate ca mai discutam daca ai intrebari ... si sa stii: eu am condus lectia aia cu 320 de copii punandu-i sa inoate mereu inainte, pe culuarul 1, apoi treceau pe 2, pe 3 si asa mai departe; asa ei niciodata nu au avut pe cineva in fata ca sa-i impiedice sa inainteze si au reusit sa inoate cca 1600-2000m de fiecare data  …
Here's the algorithm that you need to teach him to make the ignorant start to swim in deep water:
to / learn the fundamentals on land positions for floating [ventral, dorsal] + all categories mouving arms for swimming, etc.., mobility and overall body heat
b / child sits on the edge of the basin, with legs extended and feet in water to make them so that the water fight to succeed to foam, with an alert but ritmt as possible without straining [ie, these movements do not sprinkle others]
c / return the children to lie on the edge of the pool with face down, legs and arms taut water for you to sit back and watch them, giving them the necessary commands that moves your feet to be as good as the previous year.
d / help them to enter the water with the palms on the edge of the pool, submerged to his shoulders in water, relax and body closer to the wall [preparation for the future position of 'dipping upright']
e / cause them to 'go' on the edge of the basin, the water body, with hands and feet up on the side wall support, move it to the left or right will make them more relaxed and start to used to rule the water ....
f / begins to suggest to try to blow air right next to the water surface so that air 'to pierce' water ...., then propunele to dive head under the water with legs folded down, palms on the edge and ... Patience to sit a few seconds submerged [is certain that water will go everywhere and its not too pleasant but if you teach them to blow air under water, this will send water from the nose or mouth ...] this exercise should be done several times to see that children are relaxed and easily make diving and breathing [expiration] under water.
g / cause it to sink with his hands on the pool, perfect body down [the belly against the wall] and legs hanging down, hold her hand and help her to sink in place with the support of the pool, support from you - now beginner will feel directly as body tends to rise, to come to the surface, this is very important for the beginner so you can understand how easy float, especially as the instructor is in close proximity = 'vertical cork' is made and with it, trust and patience and that can float ...
h / Fa 'vertical cork' a bold game, near the pool and the instructor, so he will notice that instead of sink begins to rise up, must necessarily be kept up arms parallel, large, they are the ones who are sure to be noticed state body rises and floats.
i / if is 'vertical cork' proposes him to sit with his head under the water and brought his arms to embrace his knees in abdomen, just like an 'Easter egg', floating in the position of 'Easter egg', precedes the transition to the position of waterline stretched horizontally - position freestroke fundamental swimming, breaststroke, dolphin ....
j / switch group children learn jumps in water at first, jumping up, with help from the instructor, and will be free jumping beginners will practice what he learned from 'cork vertical' [with the help of the instructor, this Help can be a string, a stick, something to give the feeling of safety that can not drown ....] and should lead them to jump alone, because you're always next to her instructor and I can help if needed, so learn to 'tread water', ie return to the surface to begin light, circular motions [as bras] to maintain as head, breathing on the surface.
k / now, only now is the time to allow the use of a seat, floating support, a raft swimming because now the 'cork vertical' + 'Easter egg' + 'jumps and water transgression' can go learning to crawl leg movements, then they can start advancing drills down + arms, breathless [a few feet] and respiration [raising his head up first, before then flattening increases, causing his head to the side and obviously that allows going through several meters.
There are many, many details and it all depends on your spirit of observation which will help your child convenient notification of new possibilities, all these steps are not likely to go out once but many lessons, you should know that you are not allowed to switch to a new exercise unless the previous one was well learned [that resembles school principle of 'programmed instruction' which introduces a new learning stage than after previous notions].
I hope that such a text, translated by robot [Google translate] will help you adopt a useful and effective Algor. There may be other types of learning, ie learning by 'cork vertical' and 'Easter egg' goes to learning cork dorsal and immediately the breaststroke leg movements and then breaststroke competition in position ... or, in Skip to learning instead of submission with leg movements required to swim only with arms [here you have to be careful that the movements always end glide a break after each paddling cycle]
Maybe we discuss any questions ... and know: I drove that lesson by putting them 320 children always swim forward, the corridors 1, and then went on 2, 3 and so on, so they never had someone in front to- keep them from before and managed to swim about 1600-2000m every time ...


Publicat de către Blogger la swimmingpedia , 10/10/2013 07:03:00 PM

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